Thursday, July 2, 2009

Death of a Puppy

So Bechamel, one of our little Pyrennes pups died sometime between last night and this morning. Carla didn't see him this morning, so when I got off work around 3 pm I went looking for our missing pup. I walked the creekbed that borders our pasture to get a different perspective. I saw Bechamel's white tail sticking out of a hole formed under an uprooted tree. Yesterday he was acting "funny" - droopy tail, not excited to see us, not drinking or eating, then 24 hrs later she was dead. He must have found a quiet hole to pass away. I'm wondering if it's Parvo?

We'll miss you little white egg-stealin Bechamel

Roux, his sister, is still kickin, and doing a good job barking at anything non-chicken that moves. As a precaution, I'm taking her to the vet tommorrow to get a check up. When I pry open my wallet for a vet, you know I'm pretty worried. I've got too much time in this 3 month old pup, and we've gotten to far with her to let her die too.

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