I'm wanting to open up some land into more pastures. One section of land I'll be opening will be southeastern facing near the house and will be an ideal place for the goats and future ruminants during the winter time due to proximity to our home and drier ground than the pasture across the creek. It'll also allow me more options when it comes to rotating pastures.
The turkeys will go on this land as well, as it's never had chickens and should be Blackhead free.
I'm using a logger that lives down the road a couple of miles. This job's small, probably only 8 or 9 acres, and he didn't mind doing it as long as we were willing to deal with no set date for logging. See, as he hauls equipment back from a bigger job, we're on the way home, and even though just a small 3 or 4 week job, it'll be worth their time. I've got to know the loggers and the crew pretty well over the past couple of months, and they're honest guys. I've walked the property with them, explained what I wanted, and they seem to be on board.
We're really nervous, for good reason, but they're not into creating moonscapes where forests would be. They'll leave trees 6 inches and below in diameter, so there should be enough light to get forest floor vegetation starting to grow next spring, and we can fine tune by taking out small trees later on. The stumps, especially the hickorys, will send alot of shoots up (copice) that'll make terrific goat forage next year. I'm looking at this as a 5 or so year project. We'll see.