So typically we don't name our birds out here on our little homestead. The ducks are ducks, the turkeys are turkeys or when they're not causing headaches - turkey lurkeys, etc. We do have a few hens though that for some reason or another have done something to earn a name.
Yeah, turns out that he likes chicken but he wasn't too keen on my 12 gauge. So knowing the problems this guy was causing (this is before I caught him), I went down after night fall to the pasture to check on hens. I had a headlamp on and was half way to the chicken coop in the middle of the field when I heard a loud, frantic Bock Bock Bock Bock behind me. I wheeled around and the last Miss Fluffybutt shot out from some bushes and in a clucking frenzy ran right to where I had stopped and cuddled up on my boot. I picked up a very grateful hen and placed her in the coop with the rest of the flocks - the coon was denied an easy snack and chose to dine in my trap instead. Miss Crooked Toe Fluffybutt lives to lay another day.